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#AndGodSaid : Welcome Message By Pastor E.A. Adeboye At RCCG 67th Annual Convention 2019

Dearly Beloved In Christ, We welcome you with great joy and great expectation. All of God’s promises shall be fully released upon your life in Jesus’ name. Our theme this year is, ‘ AND GOD SAID …’  In genesis 1:3, the first thing God said was, “ LET   THERE BE LIGHT ” and there was light.  His word is powerful enough to sustain the entire universe. He has also spoken concerning you that you are the LIGHT of the world- Matt 5:1. God’s intention for you to be as pure as light, untainted, unblemished and for the light to floe forth in you as the fountain of life. Arise and shine. Every time God speaks, it is a declaration of his will, power and purpose concerning the situation. He always says what he means and means what he says. He is never ambiguous or deceptive. You can bet on every word from him. Jesus is dependable and will not lie nor deceive. Therefore, every word of God spoken to you or which read from the scriptures is infallible, it cannot be stopped, it cannot be hind

Joyce Meyer – It’s Good To Be Forgiven

Topic: It’s Good To Be Forgiven [Joyce Meyer Devotional 6 August 2019] To the Lord our God belong mercy and forgiveness, for we have rebelled against him —  Daniel 9:9 There are many instances in the Old Testament of God’s anger when His people, the Israelites, would complain, disobey, and worship idols and false gods. But the amazing thing is how quickly God completely forgave them—He restored all of His benefits to them as soon as they turned back to Him. Perhaps today you feel that God is angry with you. He is not! God is ready and willing to forgive your sins. He understands your weaknesses. He knows that we all, at times, succumb to temptations and wrong behavior, but He is a compassionate, loving Father who has provided for our forgiveness in Christ. All we need to do is ask and receive! The very fact that we cannot do everything right is why God sent Jesus to pay the price for our redemption. God is not angry with you. Choose to accept and walk in His forgiveness today! Pra

Seeds Of Destiny Devotional – Become As A Little Child

Topic: Become As A Little Child [Seeds Of Destiny 6 August 2019 Devotional] Any man whose life is filled with cover-ups has no future with God in this world and in the world to come. SCRIPTURE:  And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.  Matthew 18:1 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:  Any man whose life is filled with cover-ups has no future with God in this world and in the world to come. From our anchor Scripture, Jesus made it clear that conversion to a little child is a condition for access into the Kingdom of God; it is a condition for audience with God. Anyone whose character is like that of a child will never struggle for audience with God both in this world and in the world to come. Now, let’s look at one of the characters of children that an adult should emulate in order to access God in this world and in the world to come. A Child Has Nothing to Hide A child literally has no secrets; with a