Below is a verified list of SCAM Sites gathered by the Central Intelligence Agency as of August 3, 2020. 1-Smartrise 2-hourprime 3-greenblitz 4-FX golden 5-servo finance 6-IOTA invest 7-Cryptagram 8-incomland 9-cashnet 10- InvestOptions 11- Cryto Biss Africa and World 11-Apolo 12-Hoursmore 13-Goldenhub 14-Xbit 15. Cryptochain LTD 16- crypto-evolution 17- Ufo 18- coinmining 19- zezpro 20- crypto-emirates 21- Pesona. biz 22- crypto insight 23- Petro china 24- global crypto Frasers 25- Gold sonic 26- Brickell-global 27- Midjobs 28- coinpros 29- Cloudmining 30- Weet.Itd 31- Getcoin-mining 32- Profit-fast 33- Mani-Best 34- Uno finance 35- Aptinvest 36- Worldmining 37- Buhariki space 38- Wale investment 39- Altana life 40- Luno investment 41- Capital one investment 42- Green-wealth 43- Forex and money 44- Gold.io8 45- Axcessnet- capital 46- CRYPTOMINING.ITD (and not, do not confuse) 47- Aloeva club 48- Apextrade 49- Cryptbox...
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