Drama: its origin, growth and development The word “drama” is derived from the Greek word “dran” means to do, to perform; a kin to Greek “drainein” means to be ready, to do and technically it means deed, action on the stage. This meaning indicates that it has a particular relation with action. A cursory glance at its history clearly shows that since its inception, action has been an integral part of it. Drama is neither the name of statements in dialogue nor just a collection of characters as well as events nor is it just neither entertainment nor philosophy. Somewhere it is meant for purification of hearts and somewhere for salvation. Its elements, on the one hand include character, plot, and dialogue and color while on the other hand stillness, sound, light. So, it is difficult if not impossible to define Drama in brief.
Course material, Research Work from chapter 1- 5, Publishing, News, Entertainment, Sport, School Gist.