As a child I was told and believed hell is a place God created for sinners to burn eternally. I was religiously blind and specifically Anglican foolish. Every religion came as a political conquest and business voyage, with lots of hybridized myths and fear of eternal punishment to scare people off being rebellious to colonial dogma. The things all the foreign religion have in common are rape, looting, burning of our medical and history books, kidnapping our inventors, mavericks, geniuses,slaughtering Africans like animals for being traditional and refusing colonial dogmas, blackmailing our heritage and tradition as demonic, slave masters' ancestors were called lords, prophets, healers and saviors while ours we labelled as satan, idol, magicians and demons. The blackmail is so deep that the foreign religion enforcers tell their subjective followers that the believers of other religions will go to hell because their prophets and savior are not approved by the supreme God and ...