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'Why do you want to join our company?': The best answers

Each applicant at a job interview is asked the question, “Why do you want to join our company?” This question enters the list of the most favourite discussion topics of all HR-managers. Some job seekers find it senseless and have no idea how to answer it. If you are one of those people, read our article which will prove to you the importance of this question for the company and the secrets of the right answer.

Woman answering why do you want to join our company question

Source: UGC

Indeed, this question is not as useless as it seems to some of us. Therefore, not preparing for it is a big mistake. The main reason for asking this question is to know why you are interested in the position. It is wise to spend some time preparing for it, reading guides or asking experienced people to help you answer it.

Why do you want to join our company?: What are the aims of asking this question?

A job seeker may not even think about this question. Besides, he just wants a job. He sends out his CV to dozens of companies, attends several interviews a day, and merely has time to learn detailed information about every employer.

The job seeker answering the questions

Source: UGC

But on the other side, interviewers are interested in employing professionals, and therefore, managers require the answers on tricky questions like this one. The hiring manager may ask you this question for the following reasons

  • To try to know more about your goals and values, compare them with the company’s and to determine whether you are the ideal worker for them or not.
  • Interviewers want to understand how much are you motivated in finding a job because no one wants to invest money on those who can leave the company at any time.
  • To see your knowledge of the company, the details of the job, and other information that will show your motivation.
The preparing for why do you want to join our company question

Source: UGC

So you understand that the answer should include all aspects to satisfy the curiosity and interest of the employee.

How to answer, “Why do you want to work at our company?”

Composing the excellent answer for this question requires a long preparation which includes two stages: research of the company’s activities and self-analysis.

So, to prove the employers why this company is ideal precisely for you, adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Without immersing into specifics, create a list of the goals you want to achieve. They should be connected to the vacancy you applied for. This list will help you in future.
  • Find detailed information about the company. You had better start with the official website, and it is the best source of information. Check the ‘About' section to know about the working process in the company. Frequently, big companies have the ‘Work/Careers’ section. They are full of information about all positions and details of the working process. Review all positions but pay particular attention to the one you are applying for. Sign up to all social media to be aware of the latest news. If they do not have any, try to find articles in the press. After this research, you should understand the policies and mission of the company.

READ ALSO: ‘Why do you want to work with us' answer

Man, researching the company's website

Source: UGC

  • Go over the job description in detail. Review the requirements of the position, the role you should perform and remember to include them in your answer. It makes the HR-manager understand that you fully realise all aspects of the job and are an ideal worker.
  • After researching the company’s work and the job description, create a list of things you like in this company. Then take your goals list and compare them. If there are any coincidences between your goals and achieving them while at the job, use it as the answer. Do the same with your values.

If the information you found is enough and everything is done correctly, you will have no problems with explaining why you want the job.

Explaining of motivation in the job interview

Source: UGC

"Why do you want to join this company?”: Sample responses

While composing the answer, you can gloss over some facts, but it should not be a lie. if the employer suspects that you said something that is not true, forget about the job.

There are cases when inspiration leaves you and composing several messages becomes an incredibly difficult task. If you are one of those people, use the examples given below.

Woman joining new company

Source: UGC

  • I have heard a lot about the enterprise culture from friends, acquaintances and former workers. The motivation of workers and working conditions are significantly different from those I faced earlier. It is the ideal place for me because I am one of those who wants to develop in the area of working. Your company provides the possibility to upgrade my skills or attend educational courses for free. I would to do this and to become a member of your team.
Applicant preparing for the tricky questions in the interview

Source: UGC

  • I have been using the product/service produced by your company for many years. I like it because of the convenience/ good quality etc. But now I have decided to show you my idea of improving it, which will lead the company to a new level. I am ready to discuss this project with the superiors.
  • I cannot conceal anything from you that now I am in search of employment. Your company is not the only variant I considered. But I feel I can fit in only here. Firstly, the sphere of work fully coincides with my previous workplace, where I did my best. And in the end, the company provides the possibility of career growth, which is a crucial factor for me. So, I will be glad to work here and increase the results of the whole company.

Hopefully, you now understand the importance of the “Why do you want to work here” question. It is not a way recruiters use to fail you. On the contrary, it gives you the chance to show your enthusiasm for the job and leave an impression on interviewers.

READ ALSO: How to answer the 'tell me about yourself' (samples included)?


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