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Aggrieved Nigerians Protest Against Buhari’s Government In Abuja, Say Country Not Yet Independent

Aggrieved Nigerians in their numbers on Thursday in Abuja took to the streets to protest against the hardship, poverty, insecurity and bad governance being experienced under the President Muhammadu Buhari government. The protesters defied the presence of armed security operatives to go ahead with their demonstration. The protest was held simultaneously at different locations across Abuja with large turnouts. Speaking during the demonstration, human rights activist, Deji Adeyanju, said Nigerians were entitled to protest against bad government and injustice. He said “What we are having today is a situation where fear has been instilled into the minds of ordinary Nigerians. It is most regrettable but my appeal to Nigerians is that we should take the bull by the horn and must be willing and ready to pay the sacrifice for our country to liberated.” He called on human rights crusaders and organisations to rise up and salvage the country from dictatorship and total collapse. Spe

Compliance With Sit-at-home Order Shows Citizens No Longer Interested In One Nigeria –IPOB

The Indigenous People of Biafra has said that compliance of people in the South-East and South-West to the sit-at-home order put in place to protest bad governance in Nigeria on Thursday was proof that the majority of citizens were no longer interested in one Nigeria. Emma Powerful, Media and Publicity Secretary for IPOB in a statement on Thursday hailed it as a step towards the dissolving Nigeria. See Also Human Rights Sit-at-home: Biafraland Will Remain Closed On October 1, IPOB Says 0 Comments 2 Days Ago The statement reads, “Today’s sit-at-home order issued by the global movement of the Indigenous People of Biafra on October 1, 2020 is totally successful in so many states and cities in Biafraland. All states in Biafraland complied with the order. “The compliance of this order is to showcase our readiness for the speedy coming of Biafra freedom and independence. There is an empty market, roads, no vehicles on the road of Biafra and Biafrans all over the world are o

Be Prepared For Denial Of Your Rights, President Buhari Tells Nigerians In Independence Day Address

President Muhammadu Buhari Nigeria’s President, Muhammadu Buhari, has asked citizens to be prepared for the “denial of their rights” if they choose to “bargain off their power”. He made the comment during his televised broadcast to commemorate Nigeria’s 60th independence anniversary on Thursday. President Muhammadu Buhari Presidency He said, “The problems with our electoral process are mainly human-induced as desperate desire for power leads to desperate attempts to gain power and office. “Democracy, the world over and as I am pursuing in Nigeria, recognizes the power of the people. However, if some constituencies choose to bargain off their power, they should be prepared for denial of their rights. “This call is made more urgent if we realise that even after a transparent, free, fair and credible election, desperation leads to compromising the judiciary to upturn legitimate decisions of the people. “It is necessary to, therefore support the enthronement of the rule of l

BREAKING: Whereabouts Of Arrested Lagos Protesters Unknown As Police Deny Holding Them

There are fears over the safety of more than 21 protesters arrested in the Maryland area of Lagos on Thursday as officers at the ‘Area H’ Police Station, Ogudu, have denied having them in custody. The denial of the policemen comes shortly after Area Commander of the zone, Tunde Adeniran, confirmed to one of the protest leaders that the arrest was carried out by officers from the Ogudu Police Station. See Also Breaking News BREAKING: Police Arrest Protesters, Journalists In Lagos As Demonstration Against Bad Governance Continues Nationwide 0 Comments 2 Hours Ago As a result of this situation, protest leaders visited the state police command in Ikeja where the present location of those arrested has still not been disclosed by the law enforcement agency. The protesters under the aegis of #RevolutionNow staged the demonstration to coincide with Nigeria’s 60th independence anniversary in Lagos and other cities across Nigeria and beyond to demand for good governance.  See

60 Years Of Independence: A Journey Full Of Sorrow By Buhari Olanrewaju Ahmed

Buhari Olanrewaju Ahmed The masses are yawning and gnashing their teeth with pains, grimacing over hunger and frustration that have crippled their livelihoods. They are helpless, many homes have been desolated because of economic instability. Crime abounds in a society where one is unable to eat a square meal in a day. Nigeria has become a crime scene because people are desperate to survive without recourse to possible consequences. Those at the corridors of power have no clue about governance; which accounts for why 60 years of a journey has yielded no results.  The maladministration, incompetence, intolerance and the evils inflicted upon the people by the vagabonds in power since the day of independence has been a wound that the masses are nursing. Buhari Olanrewaju Ahmed A country that claims to be the giant of Africa could not provide any form of palliatives for the masses during the pandemic, and is unable to provide shelter for its homeless population. Nigeria is a cou