are familiar with the words 'tragedy' and tragic as they are associated with
misfortune. Usually, they are used to describe personal misfortunes that do not
concern the rest of the society. For example, the breakdown of a marriage or
death of a dear one in an accident or even natural causes could be described as
tragic. Also, some public events that are unpleasant like the assassination of
a head of state or a political leader, natural or human disasters like
earthquakes, flood disasters, plane crashes and other such disasters are
referred to as tragedies. Tragedy according to the Oxford English Dictionary is
“a play of a serious or solemn kind ... a very sad event, action or
experience.” The last part of the definition explains why the word is used .to describe
misfortunes, natural and human disasters in everyday life. Tragedy in drama is
believed to have originated from the Greek worship of Dionysius, the god of
wine and fertility. During the festival, the dithyramb, a choral lyric in
honour of the god is sung and danced around the altar by fifty men dressed in
goat-skin (goat was the sacred animal of the god). This is perhaps from where
tragedy got its name because in Greek, “tragoedia” meant ‘goat song’. During
this song, a story about the god was improvised by the choral leader but later
Thepsis stood out and instead of singing in honour of Dionysius, sang as
Dionysius. However, the song continued but a minimal part of it was acted by
one actor. As time went on, the spoken part was increased and Aeschylus added a
second actor while Sophocles added a third actor. Thus tragedy was born. The
scope of the plays increased as they started including myths concerning other
gods. The plays became so popular that by 534 BC, the state gave official
recognition to tragedy and instituted a prize for the best tragedy presented at
the annual Donysian festival. Tragedy is the most esteemed of all the dramatic
genres. It has attracted many definitions and rules, from the days of
Aristotle, who is the first person to write on the circumstances of and what
tragedy should. be to the present day. According to him in his poetics “Tragedy
is.an Imitation of.an action that is serious, complete and of a certain
magnitude; in language embellished with each kind of artistic ornaments, the
several kinds being found in separate parts of the play; in the form of action
not of narrative; through pity and fear effecting a proper purgation of these
emotions. Aristotle explains all the aspects of this definition and moves
further to give the elements of tragedy as plot, character, thought, diction,
music and spectacle. These principles have continued to influence the
definition till date. However, some dramatic scholars agree with him while some
others disagree with him. In drama, tragedy is a serious play that deals with
the misfortunes of man. It presents a man (tragic hero) who is not too virtuous
or too vicious but one who aspires for higher ideals. He tries to improve
himself and the world around him. In the course of this, he makes a mistake, or
commits an error of judgment. This leads to his fall. Traditionally, in
classical tragedies, the hero must be of noble birth, suffer and is overwhelmed
in the end. Tragedy presents injustice, evil, pain, misfortunes, paradoxes and
mysterious aspects of human existence. Greek tragedy has a set pattern or
structure. It starts with the prologue which introduce the play with the
episodes of the play and the choral songs in between and finally the exodus.
The play contains a “single integral plot” which is presented in a very short
period with one setting. The action could be simple or complex and contains a
reversal of fortune or discovery or both. They are very short plays and many of
them were presented in trilogies. The tragic hero is drawn from princes and
kings. He is a man who is not pre-eminently good, virtuous or vicious but who
commits an error of judgment. Oedipus Rex is a good example of classical
tragedy. It has a single plot, the story of how Oedipus killed his father and
married his mother. The setting is just in front of the palace Oedipus, the tragic
hero is a king who by the end of the play discovers the truth about himself,
his fortune reverses from good to bad. His catastrophe is caused by his tragic
flaw which is arrogance. The plays were based on myth and legends drawn mainly
from the legends of the house of Atreus and the events of the Trojan wars. They
were presented as a part of a great festival and the state was involved. Music,
songs and dances were important elements of the plays. To maintain a single
setting, indoor actions and violence were reported on stage. As part of a
religious festival, the plays were used to show how vices like arrogance and
pride lead mm to destruction. The gods also play important roles in Greek tragedy.
However, the dramatists differ in their attitudes to the gods as characters in
their plays. Many critics argue that there are no tragedies in the modem
period. The argument is based on the fact that many playwrights do not adhere
to the Aristotelian principles of tragedy especially as regards the treatment
of the subject matter, tragic hero and the language. Modem playwrights feel
that they should not be restricted by any rules. According to them, drama
reflects the society, so they should reflect their society in the works. In the
modem society, little or no attention is paid .to kings, .princes .and their
.exploits so .a-.poor man .who is .hard .working .can .rise .to esteem. The
society also encourages him to rise. He also has the capacity to fall into
misfortune through an error of judgment and according to Arthur Miller, since
kings and monarchs are no longer available, tragedy should be based “... on the
heart and spirit of the average man.
Contemporary issues and human beings should, therefore, be treated in
tragedy. The important factor is that the tragic hero pursues a particular goal
he believes in relentlessly to its logical conclusion even if he loses his life
in the pursuit. Tragedy attempts, therefore, to ask some basic questions about
human existence like is there justice in-.the world?
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