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How Fani-Kayode Knows A ‘Jezebel’! By Ozodinukwe Okenwa

Prior to the controversial presidential poll of last November 3 this year in the United States of America one of the dramatic events that stunned not a few folks came from Nigeria, my beloved homeland. Some members of the so-called Living Christ Mission, based in Onitsha, Anambra State and led by its founder and leader, Pastor Daddy Hezekiah, had undertaken a colourful street procession in open support and solidarity towards the defeated Republican candidate, the incumbent President Donald Trump.

Clad in white and blue colours the viral online video footage of the parade showed the worshippers marching through a street waving U.S. flags and carrying banners with Mr Trump’s portrait while singing and dancing happily. Hours later the rancorous President had tweeted “a parade for me in Nigeria, a great honor!”, Trump said in the message accompanied with a video of the parade.

After watching the video I had concluded that Pastor Daddy Hezekiah (or whatever he is called) must be a pastoral fraud. Perhaps he had claimed to his congregation on the pulpit that ‘God’ had prophesied the victory of Trump. And perhaps too, flowing from the phoney celestial vision, he must have hoped that with Trump posting another presidential triumph he could be compensated in cash or kind with an American ‘green card’ and/or nationality!

That was the same way the Enugu-based Adoration Ministry champion had sought and obtained as it were the Aso Rock ‘visa’ after the emergence of Buhari in 2015. Then Goodluck Jonathan was in his ‘best’ presidential element muddling up things. Father Ejike Mbaka saw an opening to strike GEJ down electorally. And he struck him with a devastating evangelical diatribe aimed at damaging GEJ in the eyes of Nigerians.

Today the same wierd Priest who had survived assassination attempts had taken a critical stance against Buharism. For him President Muhammadu Buhari surrounded himself with glorified ‘criminals’!

SOC Okenwa

Another dramatic event featuring a silly outburst following the outcome of the US poll came from Lagos where the former garrulous Aviation Minister, Femi Fani-Kayode (FFK), a rabid supporter and apologist of Trumpism, had described the elected Vice-President, Ms Kamala Harris, 56, as a “Jezebel” citing her eyes!

FFK had tweeted thus: “I know Jezebel when I see her. Look into Kamalla’s eyes. Kaballa + Kundalini = Kamalla. Biden is a puppet and a smokescreen. A Biden presidency is a Kamalla Presidency. A Kamalla Presidency is satan’s Presidency. May God deliver.”

The name Jezebel has Biblical meaning and mundane connotations. Biblically according to according to the account in I and II Kings Jezebel was the dashing Phoenician wife of Ahab who pressed the cult of Baal on the Israelite kingdom but was finally killed in accordance with Elijah’s prophecy. 

But mundanely speaking a Jezebel could mean an impudent, shameless, or morally unrestrained woman. You can even associate the name with a whore!

The controversial politician had just confessed his capacity to identify a ‘Jezebel’ by looking straight into her eyes! Yet it smacks of hypocrisy and hubris for a serial divorcee and wife beater to demonstrate his ‘expertise’ in the identification of ‘Jezebels’ — especially those across the Atlantic.

Besides, he had condemned the American presidential poll describing same as “the biggest fraud in electoral history and in the history of democracy”. One wonders what interest FFK sought to serve by railing against a free and fair transparent poll which his home country had never succeeded in organizing for decades.

Fani-Kayode is a man incapable of maintaining a sound marital lifestyle. He is not good at managing his household. He has thus far married a couple of ‘wives’ with practically all ending on sour notes.

Recently online a sensational story made the rounds of his marital imbroglio with the beautiful Precious Chikwendu. Issues of infidelity, wife-battering and abuse of love surfaced online with questions hanging in the balance — as to the psychological state of the estranged wife and FFK himself.

Apart from his past alleged addiction to stupefying substance Femi as a politician of fortune who had done some time in prison for economic crime bothering on embezzlement or reception of some filthy lucre from corrupt sources.

Despite these character-damaging history trailing his domestic and professional life it beats imagination that Femi still grandstands, talking big and loud and exposing his false religious piety in the public square.

Femi Fani-Kayode must let the US VP-elect, Kamala Harris, be. If he is overwhelmed by her stunning beauty or rich CV then he should make a public confession to that effect.

SOC Okenwa



Original Author

Ozodinukwe Okenwa

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